Schedule an Appointment or Attend Classes



Private Sessions available by request or you can visit The Center at Mariandale:

299 North Highland Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562

To make an appointment in Ossining, call The Center at Mariandale and speak to Karen Bernard, Programming Director: (914) 941-4455 x 106 or contact Virginia using the form at the bottom of the page to schedule a visit at The Center at Mariandale.

Healing Touch Individual sessions - $80.00

Sessions typically last 60 - 75 minutes. First sessions can last 90 minutes.

Appointments in Ossining - available by appointment 7 days a week, 10:00am - 4:00pm. Schedule by calling The Center at Mariandale: (914) 941-4455 x 106

Appointments in Irvington - M - F by appointment 10:00am - 4:00pm. Request an appointment here. Location for Irvington appointments available after appointment request is approved. If you are a new client and have not yet met with Virginia, schedule a free 15 minute discovery call!

Pricing available for Healing Touch at The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, NY and for private sessions in Irvington, NY.


To schedule Healing Touch presentations for your group,  fill out the form at the bottom of the page describing your group, amount of people and location. We will get back to you as soon as we can to answer your request and any questions you may have about scheduling or Healing Touch.

Presentations are informative and instructive.  Three or six hour presentations are available to give you an exciting perspective about wellness through the Healing Touch methods and theories.  Group presentations are an illuminating way to discover your next steps.

You are welcome to attend full length classes to gain new skills and understanding of how to incorporate Healing Touch within your life and the lives of friends & family.


Level 1 classes are 16 - 18 hours in length. To get more information, fill out the form at the bottom of the page and I will get back to you. You can also review the events page to see when the next classes will be!

Fill out the form below or Email to: